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Friday, February 5, 2016


I am currently doing the opposite of what I have been told throughout the years by medical professionals, etc, regarding diet. One fat Doctor told me to go on Weight Watchers. Another after I told him I had Roux-RNY commented so that didn't work for you and asked what happened? The nutritionist gave me the diabetic diet years ago, which was low protein and fat and high carbohydrate. I went on Weight Watchers, Diet Workshop, Fit for Life, the G Index diet, the Carbohydrate Addicts diet, the Physician's Weight Loss Center diet, the Protein Power Diet, and the Atkins Diet. I'm not sure if that is all of them. This started when I was a child, Each diet left me fatter. After my WLS, I had slowed my metabolism so much that small amounts of healthy food made me gain weight and I was working out. So we each need to find what works for us. There is not a universal diet or else everyone would be thin. I change up my diet a few times a year and I am finding the plant- based eating suits my metabolism, although I do have trouble digesting vegetables and fruits, due to my surgery. 

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